77 research outputs found

    Philosophical and methodological landmarks of value and semantic informatization VS the "dictatorship" of digital information in the modern anthropological situation

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    The article issue is a reflection of the anthropological situation of the world, which is manifested in the problematic nature of a decent human existence and its responsibility for the course of events of both personal lives and communities. The development of modern strategies for the development of humanity today is associated with the informatization, which "has taken" the knowledge society initiative to be the leader of the progress. The systematization of knowledge and conceptualization of the problem highlighted the contradictory information influence on the existential capabilities of the person and explicated risk factors, ideological and methodological orientations of the anthropologization of the informational-existential situation

    Становление и развитие криминально-правовой составляющей безопасности человека (краткий осмотр некоторых правовых документов прошлого и настоящего)

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    В статті дається короткий огляд становлення та розвитку кримінально-правової складової безпеки людини. Піддано аналізу низку правових документів минулого та сучасності. Показано, що основні блага людини кримінально-правової охороною забезпечувались завжди і в усіх країнах, чим і досягалось створення безпечних умов життєдіяльності людини. Цивілізаційні процеси, що відбувались у суспільстві, впливали на вдосконалення кримінально-правової складової безпеки людини.This article gives an information about foundation and development of criminal safety of person. It researches lots of judicial documents of past and present. Main rights and interests must be basic in all branches, which helps to create safe conditions of life. Civilizative processes, that took place in society, influence on improvement of criminal note

    Peculiarities of English Language Training for Electrical Engineering Students at Ukrainian Universities

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    The article deals with the issue of English language training for electrical engineering students at Ukrainian universities. Understanding the importance of studying foreign languages has been confirmed by a number of normative documents. The curricula of seven leading universities of Ukraine training electrical engineering students have been analysed. The recommended time for studying foreign languages and the study load at Ukrainian universities differ significantly. The content analysis of existing English language coursebooks and textbooks for engineers, electricians, electrical and power engineers has been conducted to find out the content of foreign language training. Recommendations for the improvement of teaching English for professional purposes at Ukrainian universities have been proposed

    Індивідуалізація освіти за допомогою штучних нейронних мереж

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    This paper examines the issues related to the implementation of an educational process based on modern information technologies use. The main purpose of it is to achieve a significant level of individualization of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each participant of the process. The implementation of the approach became possible at using elements of the theory of artificial neural networks in the educational process. Based on the network, it is possible to build a model of the educational process; it will significantly increase the control of the teacher on the educational process. Moreover, this network can adapt to a specific education task, the individual characteristics of the student and teacher. The mathematical model of the educational process using modern information technologies and neural networks is constructed. Their use is based on the developed criteria of successful execution of various stages of the educational process. Such criteria are designed for both the student and the teacher. The characteristic of participant’s activity of the educational process is considered in the work. A numerical interpretation of this concept is proposed.У цій роботі розглядаються питання, пов'язані з впровадженням навчального процесу на основі використання сучасних інформаційних технологій. Основна мета його - досягти значного рівня індивідуалізації навчального процесу з урахуванням індивідуальних особливостей та можливостей кожного учасника процесу. Реалізація підходу стала можливою при використанні елементів теорії штучних нейронних мереж у навчальному процесі. На основі мережі можна побудувати модель навчального процесу; це значно підвищить контроль викладача над навчальним процесом. Більше того, ця мережа може адаптуватися до конкретного навчального завдання, індивідуальних особливостей студента та вчителя. Побудована математична модель навчального процесу з використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій та нейронних мереж. Їх використання базується на розроблених критеріях успішного виконання різних етапів навчально-виховного процесу. Такі критерії розраховані як на учня, так і на викладача. У роботі розглянута характеристика діяльності учасника навчально-виховного процесу. Запропоновано чисельне тлумачення цього поняття

    Механизм криминально-правового влияния при повреждении путей сообщения и транспортных средств в законодательстве Украины и других стран-участниц СНГ

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    В статті обгрунтовуються пропозиції по оптимізації кримінальної відповідальності за пошкодження шляхів сполучення і транспортних засобів (ст. 277 КК України).Some offers on optimization of criminal responsibility for damage of ways and transport are based in this article. (Article № 277 Criminal Law of Ukraine).В статье обосновываются предложения по оптимизации уголовной ответственности за повреждение путей сообщения и транспортных средств (ст. 277 УК Украины)

    Using augmented reality technologies for STEM education organization

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    Modernization of the education system and the emergence of innovative learning technologies can improve the educational process. The use of augmented reality technology improves the learning of individual students, their motivation, as well as helps in organizing teamwork, group cooperation. As the topic of augmented reality in education is quite new and little studied for STEM education, the study reviews publications on this topic, describes the concept of augmented reality, the analysis of augmented reality technologies is carried out, which are adapted to the teaching of natural and mathematical disciplines. The role of STEM approach with augmented reality in the educational process is determined. An example of the use of augmented reality as part of a robotics project is given

    Design of the educational environment for STEM-oriented learning

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    The article examines the impact of market requirements on the educational system, technological development of society and changes in the economic development of the country. The main directions of changes in European educational policy and their formalization in the framework of competences have been reviewed. The considered practices of organizing educational space in Ukraine and other countries allowed determining the structure of the interaction of participants in the educational environment of STEM-oriented training: administrative and managerial component, cooperation between education and business structures, scientific and methodological support, technological factor, popularization and human factor. The article gives a definition of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning. According to each of the points of this structure, the peculiarities of their implementation in Ukraine have been presented: steps to implementation at legislative level have been taken, a list of measures aimed at popularizing and supporting STEM-education has been developed, a way of the dissemination of these ideas has been outlined and the list of already existing developments and implementation practices has been made. The conditions required for the development of educational STEM-environment have been defined. The article presents the model of the educational environment of STEM-oriented learning developed at the STEM-school of Kherson State University. The description of the project activity of the teacher and students in the context of the creation of educational environment of STEM-oriented learning is given. Also, the article offers examples of interdisciplinary projects. Their implementation requires that the teacher have a good theoretical foundation in mathematics, physics, technology and programming

    Realities and prospects of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine

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    The paper deals with the issue of realities and prospects of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine. Distance learning in Ukraine has been implementing for more than twenty years and distant learning technologies are used at most Ukrainian higher education institutions, but the necessity and feasibility of the introduction and development of remote technology is questionable both to faculty and students. The main purpose of this paper is to synthesize the real state of distance learning in Ukraine and outline its development prospects at higher education institutions of Ukraine. The paper represents the analysis of the survey results of student answers of four classical, pedagogical, maritime and agrotechnological higher education institutions regarding the practical implementation of distance learning in their institutions. The study of the realities of distance learning in the practice of higher education institutions in Ukraine has been conducted among 102 students. The questions concerned student attitude to distance learning, distance learning organisation, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning

    Application of ICT tools in teaching American English for computer science students in the context of global challenges

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    The article deals with the urgent issue of American English learning for IT-professionals under challenging conditions of the changeable economic situation in the world. Some statistical data on global education trends and its analysis are given to confirm the topicality of the problem. State-of-the-art trends in foreign language teaching in the context of global challenges are presented. It is stated that informal education environments, distant learning platforms, virtual reality environments, artificial intelligence applications and collaboration platforms are to be mastered by Ukrainian undergraduates. Certain peculiarities of choosing and studying British and American English course by students of IT-specialities at three Ukrainian universities are given: the course choice procedure, the reasons for course preference, and the syllabus content. The best technologies, applications and tools for classroom activities and independent learning are substantiated, specific examples of their application for British and American English course learning are presented

    Possibilities of ultrasonographic determination of the distribution of purulent-necrotic lesions of the anorectal and urogenital areas in acute paraproctitis complicated by sepsis.

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    An urgent problem of the present day is an acute purulent infection, a significant part of which are patients with acute purulent pathology of the pararectal area. The aim of the work is to determine the ultrasonographic criteria of purulent-necrotic lesion in acute paraproctitis. Endorectal sonography makes it possible to determine the nature of pathological changes in cell spaces with a high probability and to conduct differential diagnostics of acute paraproctitis with diseases of neighboring organs. The use of ultrasonographic system control in clinical practice in the purulent-necrotic lesion of the anorectal and urogenital zone significantly improved the results of treatment. Intraoperative use of ultrasonographic examination allowed less traumatic and adequate drainage of the pelvic space in purulent-necrotic lesions